New Karela United striker Maxwell Boakye eyes successful spell with club


Maxwell BoakyeKarela United’s new signing Maxwell Boakye has expressed his desire to have a successful time with the Ghana Premier League club.Boakye, a former Hearts of Oak striker signed for Anyinase-based club from Division One side Bibiani Gold Stars on a free transfer.It is my duty to score goals so I am ready to do that. With the help of my players I believe I can achieve my target he told S.K Ntim of Bryt in an interview.Karela, who are in contention to win the league this season, belieevs Boakye can help them go all the way in the title race.The Pride of the West are third with 22 points after 13 matches. Before the last matchday, they had been on top for a almost a month. 

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