Medeama want Legon Cities defender Joseph Adjei punished for savage attack on Justice Blay


Justice Blay has been ruled out between 2-3 months with a gruesome injuryMedeama want Legon Cities defender Joseph Adjei handed punishment for his calamitous challenge on Justice Blay which has left him in crutches.The 28-year-old has been ruled out of action between 2-3 months after he fractured a right fibula following a reckless challenge from Legon Cities defender Joseph Adjei.The Ghana international will now sit out on the sidelines for long period following the savage attack from the centre-back.And the two-time FA Cup have been left with rage after their star man was left in crutches following the vicious attack.”In no specific reference to this incident, the Ghana FA should consider handing down punishment to players who engage in such savagery going into the future,” Medeama Communication chief Patrick Akoto told Kumasi-based Nhyira FM”We have a fantastic relationship with Legon Cities and they have reached out to us following the incident and we are very grateful.”However, we must look at players who engage in such vicious attacks on their colleagues in a football match.”Just cautioning them may not be enough to deter others in future. Such recklessness can end careers of players and we owe it a duty to protect all players from all clubs.”We will leave that to the referee and what he will write in his match report to the Ghana Football Association but what happened is unfortunate.”Blay was forced off just before the break after he suffered the setback in the sides 2-1 win over Legon Cities in the Ghanaian Match Day-20 top-flight fixture at the Akoon Park.Scans at the Tarkwa Municipal Hospital have revealed that the midfielder has suffered a fracture of distal 1/3 of right fibula.Medeama coach Yaw Preko was left fuming after his midfielder received a savage tackle from Legon Cities’ defender Joseph Adjei.And his mood is unlikely to have been improved with the latest news after the absence of his key enforcer.Blay has been a key cog of the side since returning from a season long loan spell at giants Asante Kotoko.The latest news is a massive blow to the club’s ambition of winning their first Premier League crown.

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