Hearts of Oak handed injury boost as Michelle Sarpong resumes training


Michelle SarpongHearts of Oak have been enlivened by the return of influential midfielder Michelle Sarpong from a long injury lay-off.Sarpong has been one of the few improved players in the Phobians fold this term.The left-footed midfielder featured in the opening six games of the ongoing Ghana Premier League.His season has however been disrupted by injuries so far, missing the last seven matches.The 22-year-old last played for the Rainbow Club in the 2-1 victory against King Faisal Babies on December 19, 2020.He has resumed training with the side on Friday after overcoming the injury woes.He is expected to get a few friendly games under his belt before the one-time continental masters return to league action against Ebusua Dwarfs on February 20. Michelle Sarpong Michelle Sarpong Michelle Sarpong

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