Fans love how BT Sport have camera just for Jack Grealish’s calves after cutting to them during interview


FANS loved how BT Sport cameras cut to a shot of Jack Grealish’s claves during a post-match interview.

The midfielder spoke to the media after Manchester City drew 1-1 with Real Madrid in the first leg of their Champions League semi-final.

“Yeah, I loved it man!”

Jack Grealish speaks to @mrjakehumphrey, @rioferdy5, @joleonlescott & @themichaelowen about relishing the big occasions…#UCL

— Football on BT Sport (@btsportfootball) May 9, 2023

BT SportManchester City ace Jack Grealish admitted to getting cramp in both his calves versus Real Madrid[/caption]

BT SportBT Sport’s cameras swiftly cut to his calf muscles when they were mentioned[/caption]

However, supporters were left in awe of Grealish’s bulging muscles as the player admitted to feeling pain in his legs after the game.

The City ace said: “I was tired, I have never had cramp before, but I had it in both my calves at the end.”

Pundit Rio Ferdinand quickly jumped in, stating: “Especially with them calves as well, Jesus.”

And the cameramen reacted just as swiftly, zooming in on the back of Grealish’s legs.

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Fans found it hilarious, one said: “‘Those calves, Jesus’ and then the opposite camera panning to his calves cracked me right up.”

Another joked: “We’ll have Grealish on camera five, keep his calves in frame in case we need to cut to them quickly.”

A third added: “It’s impossible not to like this man. Warning, contains gratuitous leg shots too.”

The interview has also hit the headlines with internet sleuths believing a mystery pundit farted towards the conclusion of the chat due to a suspicious noise being heard.


During the game, Grealish was engaged in a fiery exchange with Dani Carvajal.

Afterwards, he claimed he was not intimated by him or the occasion, saying: “I loved it, these are the nights you play football for.

“These are nights you dream of playing in with everyone in the world watching.

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“Playing against Carvajal, I can’t count the amount of people that said to me before the game, ‘you know what he is going to be like’. It was a good battle, I really enjoyed it out there.

“I had a text from my mum before the game and she was like ‘these are the nights you’ve dreamed of since you were a kid’ and it’s true.”

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