Asante Kotoko’s Habib Mohammed in heated pitch-side argument with coach Johnson Smith after substitution


Habib MohammedAsante Kotoko defender Habib Mohammed was involved in a first half bust up with coach Johnson Smith during their outstanding Ghana Premier League win over King Faisal in Techiman on Wednesday afternoon.Mohammed was replaced before the half time whistle by Kwame Adom Frimpong.The ex-Ghana youth international had a heated pitch-side argument with Smith after being hooked and came close close to physically assaulting the coach.Mohamed had to be dragged away by a coaching staff.The midfielder-cum-centre back said: “I can never ever attack my teacher a person am learning from and hes a father to me as well.. I got sub..42 minutes in the 1st half.. and we be.. In de same family I think I have the will power to approach him.. if something was wrong somewhere.”  

@OseiAkoto_Kanu I can never ever attack my teacher a person am learning from and hes a father to me as well.. I got sub..42 minutes in the 1st half.. and we be.. In de same family i think i have the will power to approach him.. if something was wrong somewhere

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Habib Mohammed (@HabibMo17) March 10, 2021Asante Kotoko scored late through Naby Keita to bag the points for the Porcupine Warriors.The Porcupine Warriors moved to fourth on the league table and still have an outstanding match to clear.

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